om Bioval BB eco BIO
Det er mange år siden at softairkugler blev miljøvenlige, - men at de også er;
- Biologisk nedbrydelige.
- Ikke ligger og sviner (ser grimme ud).
- Runde.
- Fremstillet til formålet.
- Funktiosnduelige i de fleste softairguns.
- Til at betale.
Er forholdsvist nyt...
Den Schweitziske Biovalfabrik har brugt mange år og rigtigt mange penge på at udvikle og forfine både matrialer, - arbejdsprocesser, funktion i våbnene og holdbarhed.
Kuglerne laves nu i Taiwan og derved har vi fået mulighed for en god prisreduktion.
Ud over at kuglerne selvfølgelig skal indgå i naturens kredsløb - skal de også fungerer i softairvåbnene, - dette har vi brugt et par dage på at teste, - så vi med sikkerhed kan stå inde for at kuglerne fungerer i alle typer softair våben.
Endvidere har Bioval certifikat på at kuglerne overholder ISO-normerne for kuglejekugler, - som jo bekendt skal holde samme størrelse og være helt runde for at kunne få ISO-godkendelse og i øvrigt have nogen som helst fornuftig funktion i et kugleleje.
Bioval er det nærmeste vi kommer på en Økokugle, - omend den først nedbryder ved kontakt med jordbakterier og får den varme og fugt som er nødvendig for at dekomponeringsprocessen starter. Kugler forsvinder f.eks ikke, bare ved at ligge i græsset.
Nedenfor har vi postet fabrikkens certificater på engelsk, - vi har valgt ikke at oversætte dem, - for at bevare teksten så korrekt som den er tænkt.
The European Standard EU EN13432
In order to conform to the Bioval certificate the BBB's are made with stringent quality control measures. The BBB's propitiatory ingredients will degrade in the environment at a speed directly proportional to the local mix of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and water in the ground. This means the biodegradability highly depends on the local circumstances. The BBB's are the only BB's conforming to European Union standard EN13432 as well as being approved for use by the USA Department of Natural Resources, WA.
What Does the European Standard EU EN13432 Mean
Today, the terms biodegradation, biodegradable materials, compostability etc. are very common, but frequently misused! Consequently, this is a source of misunderstanding. The European Standard EN13432 "Requirements for resins recoverable through composting and biodegradation - Testing scheme and evaluation criteria for the final acceptance of biological resins", resolves this problem by defining the characteristics that a material must have, in order to be defined as "compostable" or "biodegradable". This norm is a reference point for material manufacturers, public authorities, composters and also very useful to consumers. According to the European Standard EN13432, a compostable material must have the following characteristics:
Biodegradability, which is determined by measuring the actual metabolic conversion of the compostable material into carbon dioxide. This property is quantitatively measured using the standard test method, EN14046 (which is also published as ISO 14855: biodegradability under controlled composting conditions). The acceptance level is 90%, which must be reached in less than 6 months.
Disintegrability, that is, the fragmentation and loss of visibility in the final compost (absence of visual contamination). This is measured with a composting test (EN14045). The test material is degraded, together with organic waste, for 3 months. After this time, the compost is sieved with a 2 mm sieve. The residues of test material with dimensions higher than 2 mm are considered as not having disintegrated. This fraction must be less than 10% of the initial mass. Absence of negative effects on the composting process. This is checked with a composting test. Low levels of heavy metals (below the predefined maximum values), and absence of negative effects on the quality of the compost (e.g. reduction of the agronomic value and presence of eco-toxicological effects on the growth of plants). A plant growth test (OECD test 208, modified) is carried out on compost samples where the degradation of the test material has taken place. There must be no difference from control compost. Other chemical-physical parameters that must not be different from those of the control compost after the degradation are the pH, salinity, volatile solids, N, P, Mg, K.
Each of these points are necessary for the definition of compostability, but each point alone is not sufficient. For example, a biodegradable material is not necessarily compostable because it must also break up during one composting cycle. On the other hand, a material that breaks up, over one composting cycle, into microscopic pieces that are not totally biodegradable, is not compostable.
The European Standards Organisations are CEN, CENELEC and ETSI. More information on European standards can be found here:
The ISO 32902001 G3 Standard Mean
We talked about the biodegradability of the BBB's which resulted in the worlds only truly biodegradable BBB's! What about the quality and the shape of the sphere The dimensions and tolerances Fortunately the BBB's also conform to the ISO standard of Rolling bearings -- Balls -- Dimensions and tolerances; ISO 32902001 G3. This is the highest industry standard of rolling bearings! This means the BBB's are perfectly round, homogeneous resin (without air bubbles) and very precise dimensions. This makes the BBB perfect for (FOF) Training, competition shooting, and use in precision barrels ensuring our products will not cause any damage to your replica.
You can download and buy more information on the ISO 3290-2001 standard over at the website of the International Organization of Standardization - åbner i et nyt vindue.
The BBB's ultra high quality combined with true biodegradability enables the production of the worlds best bb's. In order to get "More Rounds On Target" your choice should be Bioval BBB's!
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